Online Assisted Living Feedback Session Sept. 10

September 3, 2024

The Ohio Dept. on Aging is hosting an online listening forum to hear directly from Ohioans concerning their experiences in assisted living facilities 3-4pm Tuesday, Sept. 10. Like the in-person events, this virtual session is open to assisted living facility residents, family members, staff, administrators, and anyone else wishing to provide feedback about assisted living in Ohio.

Click here to register . Registration is limited so early registration is encouraged.

Accommodations will include American Sign Language and CART (live captioning). Requests for additional accommodations can be made by emailing

The goal of these listening sessions is to improve the lives of assisted living residents. Attendees will be asked to discuss how they selected their living facility and will be shown the updated version of the Ohio’s Nursing Home Quality Navigator first launched in February 2024 and expected to be updated later this year.

ODA Director Ursel McElroy stated, “As we visited locations around the state last year and listened to Ohioans share their lived experiences with nursing homes, we also heard a pressing need to address care in assisted living facilities. With these new Feedback Forums, ODA will gather personal stories and suggestions from every corner of the state and use that to improve the quality of care and quality of life for assisted living residents. This is also a tremendous opportunity to get direct commentary from users on our popular Navigator and use that commentary to make the next version of the Navigator even better.”

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