Neuro Balance and Rehab Programs and Services – A Workshop for Family Caregivers

May 22, 2024


11:00 am


12:00 pm


Virtual via Zoom

This is an online workshop. Zoom link to be provided the day before the workshop.

RN Susan Bledsoe and OT Christina Howell will talk about Kettering Health Neuro Balance and Rehab Center’s programs and services in this free, online workshop meeting 11am-Noon on Wednesday, May 22. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Registration is requested by May 20 to Mary Hairston at 937-341-6944 or Details needed for registration include your email, phone number, and mailing address if interested in receiving a free Powerful Tools for Caregiver’s workbook and living in the Agency’s 9-county service region. (Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby. 

Not familiar with Zoom?  Join a brief orientation session at 11:30am before the presentation begins.

Call 937-341-6944 to register.

Or register using the form below:


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