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Covid-19 Vax on the Spot Provides Convenient Vaccination Sites

Covid-19 Vax on the Spot partners with pharmacies and community organizations to provide convenient walk-in and pop-up clinics throughout Ohio...

Sandata Electronic Visit Verification Webinars

The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and Sandata Technologies are hosting two upcoming Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) webinars this month...

Task Force for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Hosts Forums July 13-15

The Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Task Force is hosting virtual forums 10am-Noon and 2-4pm this week – July 13, 14 and...

Ohio Covid-19 Vaccine Town Halls Begin this Week

To help combat dangerous misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines, the Ohio Department of Health is hosting four online Vaccine Town Halls...

Speakers Sought for Caregiver Workshops

The Area Agency on Aging seeks speakers to present one-hour programs specific to education of family caregivers within our nine-county...

Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution to Begin for Older Ohioans

The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) in collaboration with local health departments is preparing to distribute safe, effective Covid-19 vaccines...

10 Million Mask Mailer to Reach Every Older Ohioan Over the Holidays

During the month of December, more than 10 million disposable face masks will be mailed to 2.1 million Ohioans age...

Announcement of Public Hearing

To comply with federal requirements, the Area Agency on Aging will conduct a Public Hearing via Zoom at 10:00 a.m....

Ohioans who Struggle to Heat their Homes this Winter Can Get Help

Ohio has several energy assistance programs to assist low income Ohioans with paying their utility bills.  Read more about different...

Covers of 2023 Area Agency on Aging Annual Report

Annual Report

The Area Agency on Aging Annual Report details our organization’s progress during the past year and presents informative stories, valuable data, and unique insight into how we continue to help seniors and persons with disabilities live independently.

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